Thrive Masterclass

with Hacia Atherton

Customised Leadership
Excellence and Wellbeing

"Transformation starts with a willingness to see things differently.
Let's reshape your organisational culture together, turning challenges into opportunities for growth."

- Hacia Atherton, CPA, MAPP

Thrive Masterclass with Hacia Atherton

Elevate your leadership and transform your organisational culture with the Thrive Masterclass, expertly designed and delivered by Hacia Atherton. This masterclass is more than just a course; it's a tailored experience designed to meet the unique challenges and needs of your organisation, such as improving employee satisfaction and fostering a sense of belonging.

About Hacia Atherton

Hacia has graced international stages, sharing insights alongside luminaries such as Tommy Hilfiger and Elizabeth Hurley, and has spoken at significant forums including events for the UN 68th Commission on the Status of Women in New York. Her expertise and personal journey of overcoming adversity have empowered her to guide others in unlocking their full potential through positive psychology.

Hacia Atherton, with a Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from The University of Melbourne, is a celebrated keynote speaker and a recognised authority in fostering workplace wellbeing and gender diversity. Her profound insights stem from a journey marked by personal resilience - having triumphed over a life-threatening accident, she not only relearned how to walk but also achieved the remarkable feat of completing a half marathon.

Why choose the thrive masterclass?

The Thrive Masterclass is designed to address your organisation’s specific challenges through a customised curriculum that focuses on immediate applicability and long-term results. Key benefits include:

  • Tailored Solutions: Whether your team is facing low employee satisfaction or struggling with a sense of belonging, this masterclass moulds its teachings to address these issues directly, providing targeted strategies that make a real difference.

  • Engagement and Interaction: Participants will learn while actively engaging through exercises that enhance learning and retention, making every session dynamic and impactful.

  • Sustainable Benefits: Learn to implement lasting changes with tools that build a more positive, productive, and cohesive work environment, ensuring that improvements in wellbeing and satisfaction are enduring.

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Key Learnings from

Thrive Masterclass

Customised Application of Self-Determination Theory

Key Learnings:

  • Adapt principles of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to uplift your team's engagement and satisfaction.

  • Tailor strategies to empower employees, fostering a workplace where everyone feels motivated and valued.

Enhanced Team Dynamics for Specific Challenges

Key Learnings:

  • Address specific interpersonal and communication challenges within your team to enhance mutual respect and open communication.

  • Develop a bespoke plan to improve the cultural dynamics that affect employee wellbeing and team efficiency.

Psychological Safety and Wellbeing Focused on Your Needs

Key Learnings:

  • Implement the PERMA model in ways that directly address your organisation's challenges, promoting a significant uplift in psychological safety and employee wellbeing.

  • Create strategies for a supportive environment that encourages positive emotional engagements and meaningful professional relationships.

Flexible Delivery Options:

Each option is designed to be flexible, accommodating your team’s schedule and providing intensive, focused training without disrupting daily operations.

  • Full Day Workshop

  • 2x Half-Day Workshops

  • 5x 2-Hour Workshops

Each option is designed to be flexible, accommodating your team’s schedule and providing intensive, focused training without disrupting daily operations.

Invest in Thrive Masterclass Today

Transform the way your team leads and collaborates by choosing Thrive Masterclass. Tailored to your organisation’s specific needs, this masterclass is your pathway to achieving a thriving workplace with high levels of employee satisfaction and belonging.

Connect with Hacia on LinkedIn and Instagram to keep up with the latest insights and updates.